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Audition at Royal Richester Hotel turns into full swing evening
What was planned to be a simple audition of about one hour for Della Hayes and Dzesi, The Women of Colour Band on Saturday 12.09.09 at the Royal Richester Hotel at East Legon, Accra, turned into a full 4 hours concert and a very swingy evening. The owner of the Hotel insisted that the ladies play on after the audition, and they did, and they did not close before 10 pm.!
And what a repertoire. Since end of May we have not seen our ladies in public, but from the hear of things they have been rehearsing 25/8, for sure.
Judith literally played till blood came out of her fingers and all girls turned vocal in “yesterday”,
(Mc Carthy, Beatles). Joanna and Feehi showed their dancing skills, Della thrilled with her unique interpretation of Mona Lisa, Sita and Della did some nice duo’s where Sita surprised with her Tenor. Also Sarah now literally starts to baffle and Abena was very sweet and original.
Well done, girls, keep it up and you are now definitely developing your own style and on the way to something very unusual indeed.
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